United Adult Ministries operates Flushing House Senior Retirement Residence. UAM is a not-for-profit corporation representing 245 Long Island and New York metro area churches. Our mission: United Adult Ministries offers older adults hope, through expanding opportunities and practical services, to live confidently in today’s world. For more information, please go to: www.uam.org
Other Important Links:
Regional Synod of New York | www.nysynod.com
Presbytery of Long Island | www.presbyteryofli.org
Presbytery of New York City | www.nycpresbytery.org
Presbyterian Church USA | www.pcusa.org
Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network (POAMN) | www.poamn.org
Health Advocates For Older People | www.hafop.org
Leading Age New York | www.leadingageny.org
Leading Age | www.leadingage.org