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A Message from Doug Kurtz V

By April 15, 2020December 8th, 2020No Comments

The following video message was given to Flushing House residents on April 15, 2020.

A Message From Doug Kurtz

The following letter was given to Flushing House residents on April 15, 2020.

April 15, 2020 

Activity & Food Service COVID-19 Update

Dear Residents,

Good day! I say that because I truly believe that good days are coming. This is because of what you are doing within Flushing House. You are distancing yourself from others by staying in your apartments, you are keeping yourselves strong and healthy and you have been creative in finding ways to stay entertained and active.

I know that this has been a challenging time for you but what you are doing is working. All across the country, people are isolating themselves in order to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. The progress we’ve had in the past two weeks show that it is working, so keep it up! We will continue to do our best to support you in any way that we can.

I want to make you aware of a couple of positive changes coming your way:

  1. Beginning tomorrow, Nazima and the Activities Team will be travelling from floor to floor playing music and singing along. We encourage you to open your doors and sing along while maintaining a safe distance.
  1. Next week bathroom cleaning will resume as part of your regular housekeeping schedule.
  1. Later next week , we will resume the service of 3 separate meals per day which include your standard Continental Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner from our Dining Room.

Keep up the good work, keep safe strong happy thank you.


Doug Kurtz

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