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COVID-19 Response Relief

By April 7, 2020December 8th, 2020No Comments

Dear Friends & Family,

Our entire staff and our residents wish to thank you for your continued support, kind words, messages and videos. Please continue to send them to They are extremely encouraging and we share them with our staff.We also place them on our in-house TV station so residents too can be uplifted and encouraged.  Flushing House and United Adult Ministries continue to pursue our mission to serve and support older adults.

Our staff is incredible! They continue to come in and serve the residents and we are so grateful for all of their efforts! Our security, dietary, housekeeping and maintenance departments have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to our mission! Resident services continues to assist residents and families who are in need of our supportive services.  Activities has become creative in finding ways for residents to stay engaged through our TV station, TouchtownTV and our digital calendar. We have implemented Chaplin services with Rev. Marjory Roth who is able to speak and visit residents who are having a difficult time being in their apartment and want to speak with someone. We are also assisting residents in contacting their family through Facetime and Skype. The marketing department has also become very creative in designing virtual tours and finding new ways to communicate our wonderful community. Our payroll and accounting department continue to implement the new changes on laws governing employee pay and managing staffing. Needless to say, I believe the staff are doing an exceptional job!

We continue to meet on a daily basis in order to update procedures so we can best provide a safe, enjoyable and affordable experience for our residents.

Even in these uncertain times, our staff are committed to offering older adults hope through expanding opportunity and practical services to live confidently in today’s unpredictable world. During this pandemic, we are incurring many additional expenses in order to keep our staff and residents as safe as possible. We have enlisted the help of extra staffing in our Dietary and Security Department as well as upgraded our entrance with a video monitor in an effort to better serve our community according to new recommendations. We are currently trying to come up with safe and affordable ways to get our staff to work each day. This additional expense we believe is necessary in order to decrease the amount of exposure to the outside public. As a private community we do not receive any Federal or State dollars to operate. Our operations are fully funded by our monthly rentals. Additionally, as a not-for-profit organization we rely on the generosity of others such as donations of additional supplies and masks and we greatly appreciate the generosity thus far.

You can show your gratitude by making a contribution to any of the United Adult Ministries Charitable Funds to help us meet the challenges we are all currently facing. Our residents and staff would be humbled by your support during this time. Your contribution will let them know that you are grateful for their dedication!

Please visit or e-mail to find out how you can help!

The ‘News’ section of our website is constantly being updated with the latest services and announcements from Flushing House and United Adult Ministries. We appreciate your support and well wishes as we continue our efforts.

Warm Regards,

Doug Kurtz

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