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Staying Connected to Feel Less Isolated

By July 15, 2020December 1st, 2020No Comments

Lately, we’ve become creative in the ways we are connecting with our friends and loved ones. Many of us have been forced to stay inside and slow down because of the risk of COVID-19.

Some people are staying connected with Zoom Meetings, a virtual video conferencing platform originally intended for the corporate world. Others are staying in touch by joining Instagram on their smartphones. Instagram is a great way to share photos and videos while following what others share to their public or private feed.

We do this because seniors are at greatest risk from coronavirus, but quarantining and isolation measures taken for protection do have one severe side effect: loneliness.

To help stay connected, there are hotlines like The Friendship Line for people 60 and older, with someone ready to chat 24/7. They can be reached at 1-800-971-0016.

All kinds of Flushing House programs have moved online and over the television, including Arts & Crafts, movies, and sing-a-longs. Whether that it’s Virtual Exercise with Wilfredy and Nazima or calling a neighbor, social distancing doesn’t mean you have to be socially isolated.

There are senior-focused online workouts, like Go4Life, run by the National Institute on Aging. For more information, visit

Many of today’s seniors have experienced a flu epidemic, stock market crash, wars and more. They have a perspective most do not. They have survived. Coronavirus is connecting us in new ways. The human spirit is resilient.

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